Welcome to YNZ Montessori High School

“Imagination does not become great until human beings,
given the courage and the strength, use it to create.” 
– Dr. Maria Montessori

About YNZ Montessori

Bon bini students and parents — welcome to Aruba’s first Montessori High School.
You are invited to discover our world of learning, growing and being!


experience before explanation

As your adolescents transition into higher education and adulthood, we respond to their need to express their creativity, to engage in problem-solving, to take responsibility and to claim independence. At YNZ Montessori, we guide our students through core curricular subjects and purposeful work with an experience before explanation mindset. Our student-centered approach develops self-confident adolescents who do not only understand what they are learning but are also aware of its importance and practical value in today’s world. Explore our secondary program and find out how our students learn to manage their time, exercise choice, work together and master skills guided by our dedicated and certified Montessori teachers.

Discover how our colleagues and their students around the world experience Montessori Secondary Education

Join Our Open House!

Saturday, February 1st, 2025

11:00AM – 2:00PM

Meiveld 55