
“My vision for the future is no longer of people taking exams and proceeding on that certification, but of individuals passing from one stage of independence to a higher, by means of their own activity, through their own effort of will, which constitutes the inner evolution of the individual.”

– Dr. Maria Montessori


At YNZ Montessori, we follow the American Montessori Society’s five components recognized as critical to
high-fidelity implementation of the Montessori Method.

  1. Trained Montessori Teachers
  2. In Multi-Age Classrooms: ages 12 – 15 and 15 – 18
  3. Using Montessori Materials
  4. Doing Child-Directed Work
  5. With Uninterrupted Work Periods: at minimum, 3-hour work cycles for core curricular subjects (Math, English, History or Humanities, Sciences, and additional world languages).

It's not about getting it done, but doing it

We dedicate each day to preparing our adolescents to become independent and self-confident adult citizens who actively contribute to their community.

The theory and philosophy of a Montessori-based education reveals why we do what we do.

The carefully prepared environment is where and when we do it.

Understanding of adolescence, our subject matter, and ourselves enables us to do it.

Observation of our students – the kids, the learners themselves – tells us how to do it.



  • Develop intellect through hands-on, integrated, project-based, place-based experiences
  • Build a sense of community through interdependence of the students and connections to the broader community beyond the school
  • Foster skills that support the transition to adult life and financial independence
  • Valorize the individual in his/her process of becoming a strong and worthy person


  • Schedules with work cycles

    hands-on, multi-disciplinary and theme-based learning.

  • Class structures

    circle discussions, mini-lessons, invitations for learning and presentations.

  • Engagement

    individual and group work: collaboration and self-expression.

  • Textbooks

    ONE of many sources that complement guest specialists, field experiences,
    labs, Internet, literature and primary sources.

  • Homework

    limits per week aside from reading, math and foreign language practice.

  • Quizzes and Tests

    taught as authentic life skills.

  • Grades

    7, 8 & 9th grade: progress report | 10th grade and higher: portfolio and graduation plan

  • Social needs

    grace and courtesy balanced with academic expectations and effective use of time.

  • Class transitions

    teach order, executive functioning and organization.

  • Small class sizes

    appropriate student-teacher ratios.

  • Travel & Service

    student-led travels and Service vs. Service Learning

  • Internships and Mentorships

    multi-field student selected mentorship program aims to lead into an internship.


  • Understands adolescence
  • Understands the subjects
  • Understands the Montessori Method
  • Uses the Montessori method of instruction:
    – Observation
    – Mini-lessons
    – Structure of Inquiry
    – Socratic Seminars
    – Discussions
    – Feedback for fortitude
    – Guides the process
