Melissa Maduro, BSc


From an early age, Melissa has had a passion for science. After high school, she attended the University of Central Florida to pursue a degree in Biology. During this time, she volunteered as a tutor for various science courses and discovered a new passion: teaching. After she completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, she was committed to completing the necessary coursework to achieve her teaching certification for grades 6-12.

Melissa has taught at a non-traditional high school where students of different grades come together in one classroom and work at their own pace. She guided these students with all their subjects and also served as a mentor for her students. 

After returning to Aruba, Melissa’s eldest son was diagnosed with Autism. She researched several alternative schools for her son and came across Montessori schools. She was impressed by how the Montessori schools offer an individualized approach and make students feel safe and comfortable. 

Melissa is excited to be part of the YNZ family and to immerse herself into something as great as Montessori.